LETTERS – What are you doing to address problems?

A open letter to Sir John Hayes:

Sir John Hayes, what is happening in South Holland? We’re in a total mess more than any other part of the UK, a big vote to leave Europe, lead by your good self.

We have a major shortage of land workers, land produce left unpicked, shortage of lorry drivers, food left to rot in the ground.

Do I blame them for returning home, no, because they needed reassurance.

The government said don’t panic, we have plenty of fuel! (no lorry drivers).

What happens? I don’t need to say, as soon as the words ‘don’t panic’ are used, chaos! Sheep come to mind!

Doesn’t this government ever learn? At least things have settled down on fuel, all the old fuel stock has now been sold.

I think you said we had to leave The European Union, we then can then make our own UK rules and laws, we will not look back.

Look back! Should you have not thought more about this before misleading the voters? How many regret taking your advice by voting Brexit?

Your world is looking good, another paid position gained.

Sit back and look at the rest of your area and voters!

What are you and the government doing to address these ongoing problems?

David Barfoot
Shepeau Stow

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