LETTERS – What a sad sight our town is!

On Saturday instead of taking my daily walk on the outskirts of town, I decided to give the town centre a go.

I went up through the bus station and Holland Market on to Hall Place and then through to the river bank.

Oh what a sad sight our town is!

From Carphone Warehouse through to the old tattoo parlour on London Road, I counted 13 empty premises.

When you add on M&S, Peacocks and Bonmarche which will shortly be closing, that will be a total of 16.

How many more are there hiding in the other roads?

Which begs the question ‘what town centre?’

Instead of trying to steal the glory from The Spalding Wombles whose endeavours I applaud, our elected councillors need to get off their derrières and start to earn their keep!

I have always voted in all types of elections, but as to whether I will bother with it this year remains to be seen, because it seems to me, that our elected members of SHDC don’t have our best interests at heart!

Don’t even get me started on the amount of rubbish/fly tipping littering the town or the subject of our once thriving market or car parking charges.

I am thoroughly disgusted with all our councillors.

A copy of this letter has been forwarded to Sir John Hayes MP.

Patricia Murray

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