LETTERS – Vote for least unliked party

Nancy’s uncle once said something to this effect: “You need the Labour for the ideas and you need the Tories to make them work out financially.”

What have been Labour’s ideas from 1945 until now? That is a straight question.

Why was a Conservative government voted into office in 1979? When a Labour government left office in 2010, what were the words written on a little piece of paper? What should the 76-year-olds tell the 16-year-olds about the last 70 years of British – sorry, Bri’ish – politics?

WEA class told me that the first duty of a good citizen is to vote. One of my grandmothers was born in 1880 and so she would not have been allowed to vote when she was a young woman. I wish I could talk to her about it.

(Honorary) Auntie Win said that sometimes it’s hard to know who to vote for, so we should vote for our least unliked party in order to keep out our most unliked.

Me? I’m just floating (sorry, must try to be trendy, floa’ing) their words.

Frances Richardson


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