LETTERS – Time for a proper repair

For all the frustrated motorists that have encountered the never changing roadworks at Pode Hole, pleased be assured your hard working LCC Highways Department are on the case.

The saga began on November 12 when Anglian Water had to find and repair a leaking supply pipe. Naturally they put up traffic lights. Two weeks later, November 26, the work was done and the lights were removed.

But at the same time Highways put up their own lights to effect repairs to the road. Now 16 weeks on where are we? Well in that time they have done exactly one and half days’ actual work on the road.

After contacting Highways last week I was informed they are investigating how to carry out a TEMPORARY repair. So that’s about 16 weeks thinking time, heavens knows how long it would take to think about doing a permanent repair.

Now here’s a crazy idea for Highways, if you repair it correctly now then you will not have to come back in a short while to do it all again.

At least they are keeping the men in work who roll up once or twice a day to kick a few bollards into place and check the traffic lights are working.

But on a more serious note they should be aware the impact this is having on road safety.

There is a junction, Clay Drove, which is not under traffic control and can be very dangerous for traffic both turning into and out of. Also it is holding emergency service vehicles up unnecessarily.

Come on Highways, get your finger out.

Michael Brighton
Pode Hole

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