LETTERS – Thanks for all you do Angela

I am sure anyone who regularly travels along Park Road, Spalding will be pleased to see that at last works have started to repair the road subsidence that has caused problems for so long.

It’s an unfortunate fact that councils frequently need reminding of their responsibilities and I am certain that had it not been for Coun Angela Newton’s influence the works would not have been carried out for some time.

Readers will have seen that Angela has also recently been responsible for reversing SHDC’s decision to close Ayscoughfee Gardens and the reopening of the cemetery.

Fortunately, Angela is an independent councillor so she is not obliged to follow the “party line” and is only interested in representing her local residents and this often means rattling a few cages much to the annoyance of some of her fellow councillors.

Once the coronavirus pandemic is under control, prospective candidates will be sending out their polling leaflets seeking our support in voting for them during the local elections. I would respectfully suggest that all of those candidates take a long hard look at Angela’s very long and distinguished time she has spent serving the local community.

Most residents are not interested in local party politics or indeed in SHDC’s apparent campaign to solve the national housing shortage on its own by building on every piece of available land in the district.

What most residents want is a councillor who is prepared to represent their interests and look after and protect the district as Angela has done during her long and distinguished time serving her community.

Thank you Angela for all you do for the local residents.

Dave Reddin


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