LETTERS – Pumping station is at maximum

Regarding your article and Anglian Water’s answer to the capacity of the sewage system in Weston.

It appears that they are winging their answers in order to collect the revenue gained by this potential development or trying to keep sweet the developers and local authorities.

I recently retired from Anglian Water as a waste water maintenance technician and am fully aware that the local pumping stations and Moulton Sewage Treatment Works (where Weston waste water is pumped to) will not take the strain of more properties in the village.

The system is at its maximum under normal working conditions and it is untrue to say that it is only strained when there are rain storms.

People must be aware that unfortunately it is not just fluid that goes into sewers and this is another consideration for the system being overloaded.

The way forward is for the developers to install individual or paired waste water systems to its properties and stop overloading the local systems which would discourage occupiers from ragging up the system.

J Fell

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