LETTERS – Politicians don’t have difficult decisions

Whatever your choice – newspaper, radio, television – you are constantly faced with senior politicians telling you “there are hard times ahead” and “difficult decisions have to be made”.

Hard times are when you and your family are threatened with homelessness, financial hardship, hunger and mental despair.

Difficult decisions are the ones, that if you get them wrong, could impact on the future of your family and their future.

Neither of the above conditions ever enters the head of a politician – large salaries, bottomless expense account, a multitude of privileges, and insulation from the real world and any bad decisions made.

The condition of the ordinary citizen comes a very long way down the order of importance when the powers that be find themselves in a difficult position, and as a result are always the first to suffer from any decisions taken.

This is not political rhetoric this is just simple 0 Level history.

Peter Barnes
via email

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