LETTERS – Plough is part of this community

The Parochial Church Council for St John’s Church in Holbeach St Johns wish to make the point that the Plough is very much part of the social fabric of this small community and together with our church, village hall and memorial creates a very appropriate centrepiece for this fine village.

We are therefore extremely concerned for the community that such a facility may be lost and hope that a suitable alternative to the proposed residential planning can be found at the earliest opportunity.

We are also extremely grateful to The Plough for allowing a wide range of fund raising activities to be hosted there over many years and this has been a vital link with the village in providing the opportunity for supporting the various charitable institutions which provide the bedrock of this and many other similar small communities.

We do hope that common sense can prevail and the importance of The Plough to the local community will not be ignored by those who have the responsibility of deciding its future use and that they will give all submissions in favour of keeping it at the centre of the villages social activity their fullest and sincerest consideration.

Paul Arnold
Churchwarden & PCC Vice Chair

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