LETTERS – Partygate: Time to move on

There is a sense of deja vue with our present parliament.

Very similar to the dying days of the May administration.

We have an overreaching Mr Speaker. We have the opposition parties obsessing about – one topic – this time Partygate.

All this venom orchestrated by Mr Starmer who was actually photographed drinking in a ‘gathering’ but not castigated by the police for so doing.

The only stick that the opposition can attack Mr Johnson with is Partygate.

So Partygate becomes the only main course on the parliamentary menu.

I believe we should bring this charade to an end by an election.

There are major world issues needing political will and action that should not be sidelined by the trivia of obsessive debates about Partygate.

Mr Johnson has sincerely apologised to the house and the nation at large on many occasions.

It’s now time to move on and focus on the major issues that are afflicting us and our economy.

The fact that are there are now three ongoing investigations beggars belief.

The world looks on in utter disbelief.

The party for Partygate has since passed, the balloon has popped.

Phillip James
Fleet Hargate

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