LETTERS – Monarchy should call for overhaul

Boris Johnson’s resignation honours list is an appropriate coda to the most corrupt and bizarre administration in British history, and the final act to a parliamentary career hopefully now terminally ended.
But isn’t debate on this point fought from incongruous positions? Shouldn’t it be partisans of the monarchy above everyone who realise how their own beloved institution is being dragged through the mud by nominations to honours which are so brazenly political and self-serving?
They are the ones who should thus be taking the lead in calling for a gigantic overhaul of the honours system, instead of joining the growing batch of current and ex-Tory MPs (including Spalding’s own) supinely and smugly accepting baubles from the current farce.
Those of us who despise monarchy however can calmly and knowingly point out that Johnson’s shameless use of the honours system is just another typical case of the rampant corrupt toadyism that monarchy inevitably encourages.
We also laugh at supporters of an institution so daft that they can regard their association with the British empire and with a family staffed by such dubious character as the Duke of York as if it were of any merit.

G Kent

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