LETTERS – Many thanks from ‘this old girl’

Last Thursday I had a bad puncture in Spalding.
I was on my own, no-one wanted to stop and I just got shouted at.
I phoned the breakdown company I was with and they didn’t want to know as it was a puncture, not an actual accident. I have an at home call policy.
I tried Kwikfit, they said they were on the other side of town, so no help there.
Two police cars passed, even though there was a build up of traffic at times.
Eventually Bush Tyes came to my rescue.
I can’t speak too highly of them.
I had been stuck several hours with the hazard lights going which meant I had no battery left
Bush Tyres sent out another truck to help me.
They got my car off of traffic to a safer place.
They managed to change the tyre, then followed me back to their depot.
All this was at the lights of Church Street near the White Horse Pub on the one way street.
I have to say, I am an lady on my own in my 90s.
I was stuck from approximately mid day until I got home eventually around 5.30pm.
If it wasn’t for the Bush Tyres people I would have still been there.
They were more than helpful and went over and beyond what their job called for.
So many thanks from ‘this old girl’.
Ann Curtis
via email.

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