LETTERS – It’s all part of an MP’s role

In the July 30 issue there was an article by Sir John Hayes entitled “Democracy must never falter”.

In that article there was, surprisingly, no mention of the attempt to thwart the democratic process by the attempt to illegally prorogue Parliament or recent moves to suppress the ability of MPs to discuss vital matters.

Sir John writes about the volume of work and the tasks he undertakes and is supported by a letter from Mr Polesworth which appeared in the same issue.

May I suggest that the matters which Sir John and Mr Polesworth raise are all matters which are part of the role of an MP and which, thanks to Mr Tippler’s letter, he appears to be more than adequately compensated.

Regarding the constituency work undertaken by Sir John, I am at a loss to understand how he manages to balance his parliamentary persona, i.e. voting for austerity measures which primarily effect the less well off and benefit the rich, with assisting local people who have problems caused by his party.

I also note that no-one, as yet, has attempted to justify his moonlighting.
Mr Polesworth comments upon Sir John’s appointment to the Intelligence and Security Committee. It surely cannot have been the case that the appointment of Tory yes men led by a person noted for staggering incompetence was an attempt to suppress the report on Russian activities.

Hardly democratic I think, but my glasses are not rose tinted.

Lastly the breaking news about peerages.

How unfortunate that Brian Rix is no longer with us, what wonderful material he would have to work on.

I Sloan
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