LETTERS – Film is far from Incredible

Horrendous child abuse has been taking place here and up and down the country in our cinemas.

It’s all making money for the fat cats in Hollywood.

I’m referring to the recent screening of Incredibles 2 which we suffered with grandchildren recently.

Fortunately they are of secondary school age and were able to cope with it, though the content was in no way edifying.

With a Parental Guidance certificate it was promoted as a “cracking Disney Pixar delight for the whole family”. What rubbish!

So with some children in the audience as young as three, we were subjected to a couple of hours of crashingly loud violence produced by computer generated animation.

It amounted to physical and spiritual abuse.

Physical, because of the sheer volume of ear bashing which must have its effect on young eardrums.

And spiritual, because of the overwhelming and senseless violence with which we were bombarded.

If there was a storyline behind it all, it was lost on us.

The world is evil enough, and to desensitise the young to its brutality and ugliness is quite damnable.

It’s high time the film classification system was revised to protect the young and give better guidance for parents.

Name and address supplied

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