LETTERS – Expenses accounts for all?

An MPs basic salary is in the region of £83,000 so you would think that they would be in a better position than most of the population to pay their bills.

On top of this they have an expense account, one of the perks is that they can claim all of their domestic household bills on the aforementioned expenses account.

The fact that the wholesale price of gas has risen almost 600 per cent this year and electric costs have gone through the roof and you need a mortgage to fill your car with fuel has totally passed them by. And food, we all know where those prices are going – up, up, up.

This had led to one of the worst cost of living crisis for the ordinary working man and woman in living memory, and I’m nearly 80 and have a good memory and its not selective like most MPs.

This expense account system is tried and tested, look at your local MP’s claims to see how well.

So may I offer a simple solution to this cost of living crisis and lift this terrible burden from the shoulders of ordinary working people, give us all an expense account. Simple to administer, tried and tested, and it works, MPs have proved that.

Peter Barnes
via email

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