LETTERS – Did you find our keys?

On March 28 we parked our car on a layby on the west side of the A15, about three miles north of Bourne, near the Haconby and Stainfield crossroads, and went out walking in the Stainfield direction.

Halfway round our walk, we discovered my husband had not got his keys, which he thought were in his pocket.

We hoped he might have dropped them by the car when we got out, but on our return, found they were not there. We have retraced the route twice but had no luck.

Police stations were closed at the time due to coronavirus restrictions, so the keys wouldn’t have been handed in then. However, now they are open again, we have checked both Bourne and Spalding police stations, but neither have them.

It has been suggested to us that someone may have found the keys and put it on social media, but we don’t see this, so as a last resort are trying you, The Voice.

So if anyone found a Hyundai remote, please ring on 07986 496551 and we will happily collect. Many thanks.

Name and address supplied

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