LETTERS: Could speed sign rotate?

I note in your publication on September 3 it contained an update on matters regarding the Pinchbeck Community Speed Watch team which was submitted by one of your regular contributors, in general it was good to read that the team is now back in action and helping make local roads safer for one and all.
The article included mention of a smiley face activated sign being installed on Spalding Road due to quote “what the group feel is the worst catch point area after doing many trials on the road” and alongside this apparently it will also capture data.
On the conclusion of reading the article I felt somewhat saddened that this piece of advanced equipment was by all accounts going to be limited to one location, if this is not the case I stand corrected.
Being a resident of Wardentree Lane I/we have asked for this type of equipment to help monitor matters for some time only to be told it was not available for various reasons, currently we endure equally what Pinchbeck/Spalding Road encounters if not worse in some situations.
Over time and more so of late we have suffered greatly from the curse of noisy exhausts and expensive wheeled wannabe racing car drivers at all hours of the day and night, then of course there are the two wheeled high powered motor bikes trying to emulate Agostini and Barry Sheene.
In fairness the local community speed watch team have been observed on a few occasions in Wardentree Lane and their stay of 15 minutes or so does give people reason to take their foot off the gas but once departed normal service soon resumes, this section of 30mph road be it a relatively short section still falls under rules of the highway as far as I am aware.
With the advent of a new development of nearly 100 properties on the way tied in with another almost completed development in the immediate area there is, and will be, a lot more people living in the vicinity in so much as pedestrians and cyclists which one hopes will help add reason for effective speed control in whatever form that takes.
One plus point is the help our local MP John Hayes has given over the years in the communications with him – plenty of letters, plenty of replies but sadly not much action, but as in life in general we all live in hopes.
At least his resolve to help is encouraging rather than being told as I was some months ago by a local district and parish councillor “had I nothing better to do?”!
So in conclusion I would hope to see the smiley face gizmo bringing a few smiles to residents’ faces in Wardentree Lane in the coming months.

Reuben H Holmes
Wardentree Lane

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