LETTERS – Charity shops have lots to offer

As time passes and we attempt a return to whatever normal is these days, I thought I would take the chance to reach out to your readers and share a hidden gem of the much-criticised local high street.

For the last 18 months (with obvious intermissions), I have been volunteering at the St Barnabas shop in Hall Place. We stock several hundred books which our customers love (thanks to you all!) for the sheer variety and quality on offer, especially in the fiction section, with deals available as well as ‘Blind Date With A Book!’

I love working in this department as it gives me the chance to explore new books as well as chat with fellow readers.

Obviously, the store is more than just books; small furniture, clothing, bric a brac and a wonderful selection of craft materials are just some of the products available, both in the store and on Facebook.

I thought my family were early Christmas preparers until I met some talented customers who are ready to craft their festive cards and gifts for loved ones.

Although it may seem that COVID was somehow eradicated after 23.59pm on July 18, we are still trying to work with a degree of caution, so customers can be assured that products have been correctly quarantined, while we will continue to wear face masks with hand sanitising provided.

All quality donations are welcomed so we can be self-sufficient as well as maintaining high standards for the local community.

The shop is also looking for volunteers to join the team so if you have a few hours to spare, are looking to develop your CV, would like to develop new skills between now and the start of school or college or would just like some company during the day, then I would encourage you to come in and find out more.

Without trying to tug heartstrings or jump on a bandwagon, all I will say is that volunteering here has really helped to boost my self esteem and mental health at a time when I needed it most.

If this seems like a shameless plug for St Barnabas or charity shops in general, then colour me guilty.

At least it’s a change from political point scoring, right?


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