LETTERS – Blind Club’s work was amazing

I read with interest the article about Spalding Blind Club closing its doors after all its good work.

When my father passed away in 1992 my mother went through a very stressful time in her life, so my cousin who was involved with Boston Blind Club put her in touch with the Spalding branch.

Two ladies, Joanie Simpson and Peggie Biggadike, introduced her to the work the club did and after that she never looked back.

It gave her a new lease of life helping people both with impaired vision and also fully blind people.

The work the blind club did was invaluable, things like meetings, trips, parties, and even taking the members on holiday.

She met many interesting and fine people.

Peggie and my mother became very good friends for which I will always be grateful.

Sadly my mother passed away in 2007 but I was always aware of the fact she was very happy doing this work.

So thank you Peggie for being a friend and colleague to my mother.

Trevor Dawson

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