LETTER: Why vandalise our garden?

It would appear that certain members of our local community have plumbed the depths of despicable behaviour in recent months.

We are very senior citizens living in Georgian Court, peacefully, quietly after a life time of service in various walks of duty.

We cause no trouble and though in our twilight years and seemingly living humdrum lives, we attempt in various ways to make life more enjoyable by undertaking simple skills and pastimes.

One or two of our members have even ‘adopted’ small areas of our very well ordered gardens and enhanced their beauty by planting additions to our herbaceous borders or purchasing pots of flowers or garden ornaments to place on their patios.

It is sad to relate that for the third time in recent months, overnight ‘visitors’ have stolen flower pots, garden ornaments and furniture, ripped up rose bushes and generally made a complete mess of those areas. In heaven’s name, why?

They could be drunken yobs unable to control their late night behaviour, or just thieves out to make a quick profit or benefit their own environment at our members’ expense. Who knows?

It is distressing, extremely annoying and makes us despair at these recent developments in the behaviour of our local society.

Cannot something be done to stop this?

Yours in sorrow and not a little anger.

Residents of Georgian Court

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