LETTER: Why hasn’t council instigated court action over Bull & Monkie bill?

I read in The Voice that the owners of the Bull and Monkie in Spalding still owe the council £13,000 for the enforced clean-up. I also read that Mr Gambba-Jones is suggesting the council look at other methods of recouping the money owed.

Mr Gambba-Jones is clearly guilty of misuse of council taxpayers’ money.

I cannot believe that the council have not yet commenced court proceedings to recover the debt. Or do they feel that they have no legal case? If this is the case, they wasted the money from the outset.
Had this been a local business or individual owing this money in council tax arrears then the matter would have already been to court and the court would have insisted on payment.

I would like an explanation from Mr Gambba-Jones as to why legal proceedings have not been instigated.

In the next breath he goes on about saving a few pounds on recycling bags. Another of his hairbrained ideas?
What (if anything) he saves on his new plans will be lost in the amount the council receives for recycling materials, as people will simply not recycle. It will all end up in black bags for landfill. Or even worse, the bill for fly-tipping will increase out of control.

Maybe the council should reduce the cost of council tax proportionately and then charge for recycle bags?

As for his statement ‘evidence’ about the distribution of the bags, I would like to see a copy of that evidence and shall be requesting it under the Freedom of Information Act.

I can give the council the perfect solution to the problem. Let’s go back to 1940 and have a ration card. One pack of bags per week and you get your card stamped.

S Timewell
Starlode Drove
West Pinchbeck

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