LETTER: Wheelie bins: Not for us, thanks

I read in The Voice dated April 7 that a small petition has been raised in favour of introducing wheelie bins to South Holland. It would be a really bad idea.

There would be considerable expense to provide the bins. They are heavy and cumbersome for everyone, but especially the old and less able. They need moving around, and keeping clean. They are more difficult and therefore more expensive to empty, and return. Some people would not keep them clean, some would complain they got the wrong bin back.

Many homes have nowhere to keep them but on the pavement causing hazard to everyone.

The bins are an invitation to vandalism, theft of bins, and from bins, and for people to dispose of inappropriate items in other people’s bins.

Altogether wheelie bins are dirty, heavy, expensive, unsafe, unhygienic and dangerous.

Not for us, thank you.

Amanda Smith
via email

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