LETTER: What hope is there for us?

Brilliant to see The Voice at last having a strong voice on the issues of eastern European shops and more particularly, off-licences in Spalding.

Of course the people of Spalding are totally fed up with the influx of so many migrants and their illegal activities, which now seems to be a daily issue in Spalding.

Of course their trade and activities are clearly seen by the discarded cans and bottles from their imported habits of drinking 24/7.

Every hedgerow throughout South Holland shows where they have been in what seems like an attempt to destroy our country.

Whilst The Voice has now spoken, what hope is there of any change in the Spalding, which is being overrun by these migrants and their illegal activities, when our weak planners and licensing committee give out approvals like sweets?

Even the council’s own staff now speak out in concern of the huge influx and speak of Spalding becoming a second Boston, yet nothing seems to make a difference.

Whilst South Holland District Council seems keen to tidy up the town, for example the Bull & Monkie, they equally seem unwilling to protect the English establishment of how people in the United Kingdom once lived and still want to.

Why are they not refusing planning applications for drink shop after drink shop, surely such volumes must be against the principals of the Local Plan for development?

Mind, there can be little wonder of the local politicians not engaging, when even our Prime Minister has totally fudged his manifesto commitments on restricting migration to these shore.

The PM appears to want to fudge a promised total commitment of reducing migration to little more than a slight delay in giving these migrants even more of our hard earned taxes. It appears anything is acceptable to stay on the gravy train of the European community.

It appears neither local or national politicians care about the ordinary people of these shores, but are content to see migrants ruin our streets as they expand their illicit empires.

What hope is there for us?

Wayne Seaborn

One comment

  1. Why not try standing for a seat on the council where you can attempt to influence the choices made by the council?

    Oh yes, you did that and couldn’t be bothered to to turn up for any of the council meetings Mr Seaborn

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