LETTER: Vote no at the referendum

The recent events in Paris will leave most people horrified and wondering just how vulnerable this country to such a terrorist attack.

Mr Cameron recently claimed we had greater security with membership of the EU, but it obviously hasn’t done France much good on two occasions in the last year.

Within in hours President Hollande closed France’s borders for security reasons. Other EU countries have done the same because of the immigration crisis.

Germany has changed its mind and now insists refugees should claim asylum in the first member state they come to. What happened to the free movement of people, a central plank of the EU?

We apparently belong to an organisation where the individual countries, when desperate enough, make policy on the hoof.

Security requires stability and that is sadly lacking in all this.

UKIP are campaigning to get us out of the EU and hence get back control of our borders.

Vote “No” when the referendum comes, and start by joining like minded souls at The Punchbowl on December 13, around 6pm.

John Hayter
UKIP South Hollands and the Deepings

One comment

  1. It might help if we stopped interfering in other countries affairs and them leaving them in such a mess that encourages terrorists.

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