LETTER: Thanks to councillors for donation to South Holland Singers

I would like to thank, on behalf of South Holland Singers, the 13 councillors who very generously donated £2,450 to our 70th Anniversary Concerts Project.

The choir began in Spalding as an evening class in 1947. To celebrate our anniversary in 2017 we are performing the same choral music that was performed in that first year – Mendelssohn’s Elijah and Handel’s Messiah – in the original venue, St Mary and St Nicolas Parish Church, Spalding. The money we have received in sponsorship from the councillors, and several local businesses, will help to pay for the professional soloists and orchestra required for both concerts.
If anyone would like to support us in this venture we would be delighted to receive any donations.

Also, if there are any singers who would like to join us – tenor, bass, alto or soprano – there is always a very friendly welcome for you at St Paul’s School, Spalding at 7.30pm every Thursday (contact number 01775 761106).

Marnie McMorran
South Holland Singers

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