LETTER: Statement by district council manager needs explaining

Having just read the item (Voice, September 22) on the proposal to deliver extra recycling bags to homes in the district, and thereby to phase out the satellite bases for distribution, I was interested to read the quote from the environmental services manager, Emily Spicer, in which she states that there is “an awful lot of misuse” of the bags.

Could the environmental services manager, having made such a serious and sweeping statement, please explain through this paper precisely what she means by this and what led her to her conclusions?
It appears to be an accusation that could possibly be levied at 40,000 households.

I do so hope that we get some answers and promulgated evidence, as I feel that it is entirely and wholly inappropriate to generically point an accusing finger at a whole community, and particularly when holding a managerial position.

Tony Bown
Whaplode St Catherine

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