LETTER: Spalding town centre is busy for a reason

Upon reading Wayne Seaborn’s letter in last week’s The Voice, I was shocked by his paradoxical viewpoint.

On one hand he is complaining about the lack of English speaking people and how we need to exit this “daft EU” and on the other saying how the town was busier than normal and nearly everyone was under 40.
When was the last time you visited an ex-mining community in Wales or Northern England, Wayne? You would like it! All of the people are English (and Welsh) speakers.

However, the local economies have totally collapsed, the population is ageing, there are high levels of unemployment and above average levels of social problems.

Having only moved to the Spalding area two years ago, the thing that attracted me and my family to the town was that it is small, traditional market town but was also thriving.
Yes, there is a large section of the community that is not of British descent, but they are in the town, spending money and supporting the many businesses in the town.

The town centre is always busy with people and the local area is thriving because of it.
There are not many areas in the country that are lucky enough to be currently in this position.

One final point: if you are so pro-Britain and so anti EU, why are you shopping in a German-owned supermarket?
Why aren’t you supporting a British-owned supermarket (there is more than one in Spalding) or better still, buying from a local producer?

Oliver Wood
Glenside North

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