Letter: Spalding inspector is one of the best

I find it intolerable that a very well printed, and so called well respected member of the community, that Mr Williams professes to be, is permitted to render such a disgusting term of phrase to the local inspector.

In fact I believe in better days gone by, this disgusting comment would itself have been a crime.

The work that Inspector Tyner has invested in the town, in his always on duty attitude, would be tremendously missed.

I have praise for previous inspectors, but Inspector Tyner is certainly one of the best, just listen to the regular reports of reduction in crime, in what is a growing town.

Conversely, Mr Williams aptly named “Punch”bowl seems to only have the contrary impact on the town.

The paper often containing reports of assaults, injuries and crime in New Road, where he admits and boasts to be the busiest venue. Perhaps he should start to take a closer look to home instead of criticising an excellent public servant!

Is Mr Williams, I wonder, speaking so liberally in an attempt to gain more column inches, or is he genuinely that narrow minded and ignorant that he actually believes the garbage that he has commented?

My thanks go to Inspector Tyner, and I hope he knows that others in this community value his time with greater regard than that shown by Mr Williams.

Mrs Janine Favell
by email

One comment

  1. Loraine Walker

    Totally agree with you Ms Favell. Inspector Tyner represents every part of Lincs Police staff charter, PRIDE. His professionalism means he can meet someone with a negative opinion in what could be tense circumstances and turn it around to be positive, using his integrity and empathy. Obviously totally dedicated to his job.
    Anyway he goes to Whitby, has fish,chips, mushy peas and a pint for his dinner so he’s got to be one of us 🙂

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