LETTER: Queen’s birthday celebrations in Fleet were most enjoyable

Sovereignty and culture – words which have been used a lot lately.
On Father’s Day I spent a thoroughly enjoyable time at the Queen’s Birthday Celebrations Family Day in Fleet on Mr Payne’s property, experiencing the meaning of these.
Sunshine, green grass, white marquees with refreshments, crafts etc. Flags waving, beaming faces, singing along to the live music of the 1940s/1960s.
Laughing watching my friend trying to escape from the antics of an elderly VIP who was wearing proudly his Dambusters medals….I thought this is what it is about. And then I realised how much effort had gone into this day and how my age was showing by knowing all the words to the music.
Thank you to everyone who made the day…I look forward to the next events in Fleet on July 9.

Valery Gemmell

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