LETTER: Poor traffic control is the issue

The freight trains are a problem, but the larger problem is the poor traffic management in the town.

I’m not a traffic expert but know when something is not working.

For several months I have tried to convince Highways that our current traffic management for Spalding is not fit for purpose.

I have tried to seek a solution as Chairman of the Spalding Town Forum and with direct visits and discussions with Highways, all to no avail – they do not seem to recognise there is a problem!

I have not asked for thousands of pounds to be spent, I have requested a sensible look at the current traffic problems with a hope to produce a plan of action to reduce the possibility of eventual gridlock through the town.

We are all aware that when there has been road repairs in the town and they have shut off traffic lights the flow of traffic appeared to improve.

Could we look at the possibility of closing off Swan Street and have a small roundabout at the junction of Winsover Road and Station Street? Could St Thomas’ Road be made one way? Do we really need the pelican crossing? Would a zebra crossing do the job better?

If we adopted these ideas you could remove at least 50 per cent of the traffic lights in this area.

There are many, other variations that could and should be considered.

We urgently need a plan to improve traffic flow and lessen the likelihood of traffic road rage, gridlock and accidents.

Coun George Aley
Spalding Monks House
Chairman of Spalding Town Forum

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