LETTER: Parking sign is not enforceable

I noticed a sign relating to “residents parking only” placed by South Holland District Council relating to a road in Spalding which is freely available for anyone to park on (being part of the public highway).

I think I have bottomed out that the sign has no legal standing for parking enforcement and anyone can actually park there so the sign means nothing to the knowledgeable driver (only to the public spirited maybe) but the local authority do seem to think it is working.

I suppose a sign with the local authority logo on it gives the inference of legality (even if it isn’t enforceable).

To get a properly enforceable residents parking zone costs thousands and is often a lengthy process which highways will try to dissuade you from as it creates a lot of work for a cash strapped organisation, plus residents would have to pay for a permit so maybe this could be a way forward for anyone with parking issues as the cost of the sign is minimal.

On the opposite side to the coin some might say shouldn’t a government organisation put in place something legal so that enforcement of a parking issue could take place, but as local and county government seem happy enough obviously more signs please – contact SHDC now for your sign (!).

PV Jeltz
via email

One comment

  1. I hope your bottom is getting better or is it some new fangled lingo.
    A public highway does not automatically allow legal parking

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