LETTER: Operating 24 hours during winter

I read your recent article on the noise nuisance from the Lincolnshire Field Products site in Whaplode with great interest.

As one of those directly affected I thank LFP for the efforts that they have made to date, but I believe Mr Hancox has been economical in his comments about the operating hours on the site.

During winter when the firm were harvesting Brussels sprouts they were operating 24 hours with the noisiest period through the night when they were grading the crop.

This seriously affected the residents of Green Pastures and St Mary’s Gardens. Things only improved once the council had been contacted. I hope that the promised improvements are made before next autumn.

As far as respecting local residents, only this week a number of Portacabins were removed from the site which had been installed without the necessary planning consent; and one has only to look at the mud clogged gutters on the A151 between Kirkgate and St Mary’s Gardens and the pavements slick with mud, to see how hollow Mr Hancox’s comments are. This mud has come from his vehicles and no efforts are made to ensure residents’ safety.

Mr Hancox will be judged by how he seeks to further mitigate the nuisances caused by his firm in the future.

John Harlow

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