LETTER: Objectors to premises licence application not given fair hearing

In reply to a letter from Coun Biggadike in The Voice (February 19).

Coun Biggadike has either ignored or not read and remembered the section in the licensing policy which states: licensed premises have a significant potential to impact adversely upon communities through public nuisance arising as a result of their activities.

The Licensing Authority’s aim is to maintain and protect the amenity of residents.
Unfortunately residents, accordingly to the numerous letters sent to The Voice, doubt they were considered.

They seem to feel that parking could obstruct views, cause a nuisance to nearby properties or perhaps the most concerning factor encourage stopping within the white lines of the pedestrian crossing immediately outside the premises.

I wonder what Coun Biggadike does not understand about ‘protecting the amenities of residents’?
I am aware that Coun Graham Dark vigorously opposed the granting of the licence. He referred both Couns Biggadike and Rudkin to all the relevant residential protection sections in our policy, only, he thinks, to be ignored.

I notice that the councillor who chaired the panel meeting which granted consent to sell alcohol from 7am to 9pm seven days a week, Coun Biggadike from Holbeach, mentions about seeking a review if there are any breaches of condition, or appealing to the magistrates’ court.
There would be no need for that if the panel had taken notice of local feeling, and what I believe were comments made in accordance with the policy. I have already made it clear that I do not believe the objectors got a fair hearing.

Let’s hope that all us locals are wrong and that there will be no problems.

I would like to thank all the people who have telephoned, written and also stopped me in shops to thank me for speaking up for local residents with regard to the recent application for drinks licence for 2 Bourne Road. I am amazed just how many people have got in touch with me.

For those of you who have not noticed anything in the local papers yet, there is now an application No. H16-0176-15 for a single storey extension to increase the size of the shop to the rear. Unfortunately there is no provision for any other off road parking.
The application can be viewed on South Holland District Council website www.southhollanddistrictcouncil.gov.uk.

I believe that on this occasion, the planning officer will need to consult with Lincolnshire County Council highways department so if you wish to submit observations please send them to planningadvice@sholland.gov.uk quoting H16-0176-15.
Please feel free to ring me on 07939 559764 if you need help.

Coun Angela Newton
District councillor – Spalding Monks House

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