LETTER: No surprises with a vote for Tories

In response to the letters over the last few weeks about candidates in the local elections, I would like to make the position with regard to Conservative Party councillors and candidates clear.

We do have the position of the group whip. This job isn’t to deal with votes because, with the exception of manifesto commitments, all votes in our group are free votes.

We think it is right that if we pledge to do something before the election it is right that all members honour that commitment, other than that members come to their own conclusion about what is best for the people of South Holland. In fact to do other than this on things like the planning or licensing committees would be illegal and leave the council open to financial challenge.

The job of the whip is to make sure that any of our members who bring the group or council into disrepute are dealt with by a formal but fair process, something that a lot of UKIP people will know of first hand.

I will make no comment on the disconnect between the local UKIP stance on immigration and their national position. But I will say that in South Holland we try to set Conservative national policy rather than simply follow it.

A couple of examples of this are building council houses, emptying the bins every week and reducing the burden of council tax.

Our national party believes in rewarding hard working people and so do we. They and us also believe in helping people who genuinely need it and in providing a secure environment for all.

When somebody votes Conservative they know what they are getting and we are proud of that open and honest relationship with the people we represent.

Coun Gary Porter
South Holland District Council leader

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