LETTER: Might work out for millionaires

Alan Meekings’ letter drawing attention to Boris Johnson’s “do or die” Brexit pledge and the Charge of the Light Brigade is very apt as we rush towards October 31.

I know that in the 1950s, the head of the charger that the Earl of Cardigan rode on in that maddest of missions was still hung in the hall of Deene Park, Northamptonshire, ancestral home of the Brudenell family to which Cardigan belonged.

Once a year ‘Squire’ Brudenell held a lunch at Deene Park for all the tenant farmers on his lands. Although some might have been millionaires the occasion was advertised as The Peasants’ Lunch.

While Brexit might work out well for a few millionaires; let’s hope the rest of us don’t end up peasants.

Cliff Foster

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