LETTER: Loss of sovereignty

Last week, we were ‘treated’ to the thoughts of Mr Alan Meeking in promoting his Remain agenda.

He has however indulged in obfuscation for his figures and definitions.

Most of the quoted estimates for the recent London march were around the 700,000 mark.

Mr Meeking claims ‘perhaps over 1,000,000…’ I am not in a position to challenge or comment on the disparity.

Mr Meeking also claims that ‘The UK has never lost its sovereignty nor its control over its “money, laws and borders.

Could it be Mr Meeking is defining sovereignty from a EU dictionary and not the OED.

The issue of the loss of the UK sovereignty was one of the main issues for the Leave voters.

Money: The UK makes a net contribution of over £10bn pounds for the ‘privilege’ of being in the EU. That is a loss of sovereignty over that money.
Laws: Our parliament and our highest courts are subordinate to the EU and the ECJ.

They cannot overrule EU laws or judicial judgements. That represents a loss of sovereignty over our laws and our parliament.

Borders: The UK cannot stop or control the numbers of EU citizens coming into the UK.

That is a loss of sovereignty. The UK does have control over migration from other countries, but our ineffective Home Office fails to manage it correctly.

It is also correct that a greater number of migrants come into the UK from non-EU countries than from the EU. To conclude the votes of 17-plus million voters at the referendum trumps the 700,000 or even 1,000,000 who took part in the London march.

That is democracy at work. Time to move on Mr Meeking.

Phillip James
Fleet Hargate

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