LETTER: Letter missed fact-based argument

In response to Ms Doubleday: I have always believed freedom of expression was a fundamental principle of our democracy and the free press was one of the instruments facilitating this principle.

I am therefore delighted The Spalding and South Holland Voice printed your letter as they did with Rodney Sadd’s letters.

We do not have to agree on everything and if we do not, then let us not resort to the use of demeaning adjectives but focus on building an argument based on facts. It is that facts-based argument that is missing in your letter Ms Doubleday.

Incidentally, it might be best not to advise Mr Sadd to use Hyde Park Corner to voice his views. It is a very busy junction with lots of heavy traffic and, with no designated space to put one’s soapbox. To the best of my knowledge, the Speakers’ Corner is much more suited for this purpose.

Voyteck S Kowalewski
Chair of South Holland and the Deepings Constituency Labour Party

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