LETTER: Let’s make a case for ticket office

The South Holland constituency has seen one of the highest numbers of signatures on the petition to save railway station ticket offices out of the entire country, and I hope that rail bosses will consider a reprieve for the Spalding ticket office.
Alongside others, I spend a lot of time and resources making our station a welcoming gateway to Spalding and the entire district.
So many people participate in these efforts because we take pride in our town and our station.
Those who use our station are very appreciative of the great staff that we have and losing the ticket office would be a massive loss, especially for the elderly and the vulnerable.
I am deeply concerned that the station may become an empty building that could once again fall into disrepair.
Hopefully, not only can we make a case to save our ticket office, but explore ideas of how we can work with the train company to better use the facilities and spaces at the station and make it a real community hub that generates revenue to pay for maintenance of the station building.

Jan Whitbourn
South Holland district councillor

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