LETTER: Keep up the good work Dom

We often read in the local newspapers comments berating the staff at Priory Road council offices, and, from some personal experience, I am sure that this can be well defined and apposite.

However, I feel it is only right and proper to redress the balance and to mention the young man, Dom, on the reception desk.

Having found it necessary to visit the offices in recent times, may I state what a joy it is to be served by him. He is a most polite and helpful member of staff, greeting people with a smile, and often goes the “extra mile” to assist in whatever way he can.

Not all local government staff are the same, so it is unfair to tarnish them all with the reputation and exploits of a few.

This young man appears to cover the afternoon shift only, so this is now the best time to visit the offices if you wish to be treated in the manner that you would treat others.

Keep up the good work, Dom.

Tony Bown
Whaplode St Catherine

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