LETTER: I’ve had enough of back-biting

It is so disappointing to read ongoing negative columns from people who would have preferred to stay in the EU and who keep trying to paint a picture of doom and despondency.

This is a democratic country and people from all walks of life voted to leave, not just the oldies as many would have us believe.

What keeps being ignored is that tens of thousands of young people took the time to find out all the positive reasons for leaving the EU and were then able to make an informed decision to vote “leave” – they didn’t just listen to the BBC.

If we continue to dispute and gripe over the outcome of the referendum, then we are no better that those in Brussels who are not democratically elected and who are taking the cream for themselves, whilst enforcing extreme austerity measures and growing civil unrest throughout Europe – you can see the turmoil that is going on in Europe on many trustworthy TV channels, including European TV, not to mention trustworthy sources on the internet.

Please stop griping and trying to constantly discredit politicians and stop putting our country down.

I, for one, have had enough of all this negativity and back-biting.

It is now time to be positive and work together.

RH Knight

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