LETTER: I’ve always found Peter to be respectable

I write with reference to the article ‘Councillor’s bad behaviour rap’ that appeared in the latest edition of The Voice.

I have known Peter for many years. In all that time, I have found him to be respectable, ‘well behaved’, hard working in the interest of his parishioners.

In view of which I read the article and am flabbergasted at the trivial nature of the so called complaint against him.

His ‘crime’ is something millions of work colleagues have done whilst posing for a photograph. I must confess that I myself should be deemed guilty of this trivial matter. His photograph was published along with the damning report of this so called bad behaviour.

I note, that there is no mention or such publicity being provided for the complainant. Why not?

The public are entitled to know who the complainant is. This new definition of bad behaviour really takes the biscuit in this age where people find trivial reasons to feel offended by.

Where has common sense gone to?

Phillip James
Fleet Hargate

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