LETTER: Council ignores problems

South Holland District Council really don’t need to bother to create a policy to deal with “vexatious” complaints as reported in last week’s Voice (September 28). They should do what they’ve always done and ignore them until the complainant gets frustrated, exasperated, tired and eventually goes away.

Anyone who’s ever been involved in politics at any level recognises the tactic.

The last thing officials – either elected or paid – want is to have to answer difficult and persistent questions that challenge their actions or authority. The unwritten rule appears to be: “Don’t rock the boat, protect your back, prevaricate as long as possible, deny everything and lie as a last resort.”

They’ve rewritten the definition of democracy: it’s now government of the people, by the people, for themselves. Social justice? It’s an alien concept.

As for a “commitment to transparency and openness” – don’t make me laugh.

Doug Whyles

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