LETTER: Closed for 27 minutes every hour

I read with interest the article published by Nigel Chapman on the Saturday train schedules.

As a resident of Clumber Drive which is to the west of the Woolram Wygate crossing I do wonder how we are to move around on the days in question.

To my reckoning, if we were to spread the timetable equally over 18 hours (say 6am to midnight) of train movements this would mean on average 6.44 trains per hour.

With the crossing closing four minutes before the train passes through and a passenger train taking 15 seconds, the crossing would be closed for just over 27 minutes in every hour.

The Spalding town manager Dennis Hannant suggests that we either walk or bike in to the town, could I please ask him how we manage this when the crossings will be closed.

My other major concern to Mr Hannant is how do the emergency services provide us cover if required over this extended closed period.

This plan has not taken into account local residents’ requirements or wellbeing as the only beneficiary is the rail network.

Roy Mead
Clumber Drive

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