LETTER: Chance to look round hospital

Peterborough City Hospital is having an Open Day on Saturday, November 21 to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the new hospital complex at Bretton Peterborough.

As a local Public Governor of the hospital I invite your readers to come and view the facilities at Peterborough Hospital. Since the improvement to the A16 there has been a considerable increase in the number of patients choosing to receive their care at Peterborough City Hospital.

Between 11am and 3pm there will be the opportunity to look around the hospital and visit parts that you would not normally see – including theatres, pathology, radiotherapy, imaging, cardiology, maternity, therapy services, the breast unit, children services and ophthalmology.

You will be able to find out more about working for the hospital and also how to become a Trust member and have more say in how your local hospital is run.

The day includes opportunities for all the family!

Visit the Teddy Bear clinic – bring a soft toy and take it on a ‘child’s eye’ tour of the hospital.

Practice life-saving skills with our experts.

Learn how to take blood

Test your skills on our giant operation game

Meet our fantastic staff.

I do hope that you will come.

Chris Chew
Public Governor
Peterborough and
Stamford Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

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