Learn all the signs of sepsis

A health group in Lincolnshire is urging you to get to know the warning signs of sepsis.

As part of World Sepsis Day, Lincolnshire Care Commissioning Group is urging the public to be aware of the signs and symptoms of sepsis to protect themselves and others from this life-threatening condition.
The number of people developing sepsis is increasing, with around 123,000 cases each year in England. An estimated 37,000 deaths are associated with the condition in the UK.
Martin Fahy, chief nurse at NHS Lincolnshire CCG said: “It’s important for medical professionals and the public to be aware of the signs and seek medical attention quickly if they see symptoms of sepsis. If detected early sepsis can often be treated with antibiotics and fluids which can halt the progression of the infection.
“Antibiotics are the single most important life saving measure when sepsis is diagnosed and should always be given appropriately by a doctor. Most people, if caught early, will make a full recovery from sepsis with the right treatment.”
You should call 999 or go to A&E if you or others experience one or more of the following signs:
lLook mottled, bluish or pale
lAre very lethargic or difficult to wake
lFeels abnormally cold to touch
lChills and shivering
lA high temperature or low body temperature
lAre breathing very fast/fast heartbeat
lHas a rash that does not fade when you press it
lHas a first fit or convulsion
lLess urine production than normal – for example not urinating for a period of 12 hours

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