Holbeach task force takes on big grot spots

Two councils have teamed up to tackle ‘grot spots’ in Holbeach.

The town’s parish council is working with South Holland District Council’s Pride team leader Tony Crofts in an attempt to reduce litter.

Mr Crofts said: “Since joining the team I have laboured the point of making the most of the resources available.

“Challenges such as funding have meant I have had to work harder on the strategy so that residents can really feel a change.

Litter breeds litter, so taking on response times to fly tipping that’s reported and reaching out to Parish Councils directly is starting to see a change.

“Our focus includes forgotten paths, graffiti, rubbish and fly tipping. The difference a day makes!”

The Parish Council has recently reviewed the litter picking routes taken as well as the structure of the daily coverage.

The Parish Council has reported at least six instances of serious fly tipping a month for the last three months, with a renewed effort to tackle the issue.

David Boyce, Clerk to the Council, said: “It’s been a real journey trying to make the most of the services without increasing costs but simple things like reacting instantly to fly-tipping that the litter picking team report was a simple fix that’s made a difference.

“Going out with the team in the early hours and empowering them to report more fly tipping around the town has seen the areas cleared quicker.

“The team work really hard and have had some fantastic feedback from the Best Kept Town awards and residents alike, this next step will build on that work for residents.”

See facebook.com/holbeachparishcouncil

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