Have your say on street lights switch off

As part of its review of the policy that saw thousands of street lights across the county switched off or put to ‘part-night’ hours, Lincolnshire County Council wants your view on how the scheme is going.

In April 2016, the council began a street light transformation programme, in a bid to save £1.7m per year. As a result of the changes, around 42,000 street lights, mainly in residential areas, are now switched off between midnight and 6am.

John Monk, group manager – design services, said: “Part-night lighting has been in place for some months now, and we’ve seen no evidence to suggest that the changes have had a negative impact on people’s safety.”

“However, while this may include amendments to the policy, the available budget would not allow for a wholesale reversal of the changes.”

To let the council know how you feel in regards to crime, safety, road safety and any other concerns, complete the survey at www.lincolnshire.gov.uk or call 01522 782070.

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