Some of the committee members of Growing Well Together.

Group to give food for thought

A new group has been launched in Holbeach to get people growing and socialising.

Growing Well Together will launch at the Holbeach Hub on Thursday, April 20 from 2pm to 4pm.
A spokesman said: “They will provide residents with the tools and knowledge they need to grow their crops, and in return, the community can come together to share their produce and enjoy each other’s company.”
The group will plant potatoes and salad items at the hub and learn how to grow items at home.
Participants will be given their own kits to plant in their gardens.
It’s hoped future sessions will include speakers to develop interest and talent in horticulture and how to work with the food that members have produced.
It aims to eventually purchase a piece of land for growing.
The group behind it is to be chaired by Rev Sherine Angus with other committee members including Holbeach Methodist Church’s Rev Luke Smith, local councillor Tracey Carter, SHDC communities team member Allison White, Lincolnshire Co-op local communities co-ordinator Rox Croot, Holbeach Community Larder and Cafe’s Jane Francis and University of Lincoln’s Karen Wilson along with the support of Tonic Health.
Sherine said: “We are confident that it will deliver the desired benefits while keeping things uncomplicated and stress-free for both the committee and the project participants. We are eager to commence the project.”

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