Steve Black’s photos in the Spalding area of a rare great grey shrike and (below) a great white egret.

Birdwatchers loving rare sights by River Welland in Spalding

Birdwatchers are being thrilled by a run of rare sights by the River Welland in Spalding.

Deeping High Bank has been a particularly attractive area, with the huge great white egret using it as the only place in the UK in which it is breeding, unlike its little egret relative which is now a common bird. Another breed spotted is the long tailed duck, one usually found at sea but currently happy on inland water.

Steve Black, a birdwatcher from the Spalding area, said: “Not seemingly as famous as, say, North Norfolk but nonetheless the River Welland does seem to attract its fair share of bird life including, of late, some birds considered rare or uncommon.

“The new kid on the block is the rather rare winter visitor called the great grey shrike.
“These birds also called butcher birds because they spike their food on thorns like a larder. They have arrived in the UK from Scandinavia to escape the cold and find food.

“About 60 of these birds arrive here in autumn so to see one is rather special indeed and as they like to visit the same haunts most winters, we can hope it stays and comes back again.”

With scaup, merlin, short eared owls, barn owls, whooper and bewick swans also on the scene, Steve says it is worth those interested taking a ride along there to see what can be spotted.

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