Small Drove in Weston.

Planning inspector approves 45 homes after South Holland District Council fails to determine application

Planning permission for 45 homes in Weston has been granted following an appeal by the developer over South Holland District Council’s failure to make a timely decision.

After the appeal had been lodged by Larkfleet Homes, the council said it would have refused permission for the Small Drove plan on the grounds of a lack of public open space (less than 14 per cent) and therefore it would have a harmful effect on the “semi-rural” nature of the village.

However, planning inspector Michael Boniface said: “The development would not harm the character and appearance of the area and there are no other adverse impacts, even cumulatively, that would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits of the proposal.
“As such, the proposal represents sustainable development in the terms of the [National Planning Policy] Framework, to which the presumption in favour applies.”

Angry Weston resident Rachel Reeve says the council should be held to account for its “ostrich-like behaviour” in not determining the application.
The council declined to comment on the situation.

Meanwhile, two other planning applications for a total of 49 homes in Spalding and Moulton have been passed.

South Holland District Council’s planning committee last week (Sep 28) approved applications for 39 homes to be built on land off Broad Lane and Westmoreland Road in Moulton, and ten homes at a former builder’s yard in Banbury Close, Spalding.

Moulton Parish Council remained opposed to the principle of the Moulton plan by Ashley King (Developments) Ltd. It said brownfield sites and infill sites could be used to meet housing demand rather than “good quality agricultural land”.
The application was approved with provision of seven affordable homes and £120,376 for education.

The Banbury Close application by P Morriss was agreed subject to a legal agreement being concluded to provide for private refuse collection.
Nine local residents objected and there was a 100-name petition suggesting an exchange with another site and use of the application site as a cemetery extension.

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