LETTERS – You don’t have to book online

Following the letter from Gill Allen about films at the South Holland Centre, I believe that it is now possible to ring their number at limited times to book a ticket, instead of having to be online.

If this is correct it would be good if the voice message on 01775 764777 would now include that information. Not everyone is online.

I have been to see a film there recently and the centre is being very careful of safety.

Gaps are left between rows and between bubbles of people along the rows, so a jam-packed cinema is not possible at present. Strangers aren’t breathing close to you.

It is good to see films being shown in Spalding again.

The Kinema in the Woods is lovely but it’s a long way to go.

I know the small screen is good but I believe Charlton Heston said there’s nothing like the big screen, and if he didn’t say that, he should have.

Frances Richardson


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